The Local Bus route is Number 60 departing from Aylesbury Bus Station Sunday 19th May at 08.45am, 11.35am,15.05pm and 17.35pm. The return journeys depart Weedon Road (New Road Turn) 9.50am,12.50pm, 16.14pm,and 18.44pm
Please follow
There are many local taxi companies that would bring you to the rally but we would advise you pre book with them .
THIS NOTICE IS FOR VISITORS (Not Vehicle Exhibitors) For those of you who do not have transport and would like to attend on Sunday 19th May .There may be slight traffic delays so please allow enough time to get to the event and if possible Car Share or try public transport or walk from Watermead.
The Local Bus Route is Number 60 Departing Aylesbury Bus Station at 08.45am,11.35am,15.05pm The return journeys depart Weedon (A413) at 9.50am, 12.50pm, 16.14pm and 18.44pm You can check this on
There are many local taxi companies but we would advise you prebook them now .
It is about a 25 minute walk from Watermead/Buckingham Park in Aylesbury and about a 45 minute walk from Whitchurch.
Public are welcome to arrive in good time and park up to ease traffic but please note THAT THE PUBLIC PAYMENT GATE DOESNT OPEN until 10AM. Please allow enough time for traffic delays .
We will be accepting Cash and Card on the Day .Public entry Tickets are still available via our website and will be available on the gate on the day.
We look forward to seeing you all